Search / Result list

Result list | Full record | Requests / Reservations

The results of your query are listed in two different tabs.

The hit list "catalogues" displays items held by Wuerzburg University Library. The holdings of other libraries may also appear here.

"Articles and more" is a discovery service containing many different databases and subject portals brought together in a combined index with several hundred million documents. Among them are freely accessible documents and media licensed by the library.

You get more information about the content and the availability of items found in "catalogues" and in "articles and more" on our website.

Result list

The result list contains the following information or functions, the actual display is dependent on your library's settings:

  • Shows the search term exactly as Touchpoint built it from your input.
    Example: "Your search request: Title = Government AND Author = Smith"
  • With the help of the navigation line you may move within portions of the result list; portions will be shown by pages. Inactive portions are underlined. Use the navigation icons ">>" and "<<" to hop forwards or backwards.
  • For each item the relevant title categories are displayed.
    All matches are numbered subsequently by Touchpoint showing the item type by an icon to give you more information about their characteristics (book, CD-ROM etc.).
  • By selecting titles you can add them to My list.

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Full record

By clicking on the title of an item the Full record will be shown.

The navigation line already described above is available as well. You may browse all remaining matches in the full entry display without going back to the results each time.

The full entry offers additional information regarding the item you have chosen, e.g. publisher, ISBN, keywords etc..

Depending on the services offered by your library you may get additional information below the full record display:

  • Holdings: will give you information about item number or footnotes, order status, class mark, branch.
  • Get it: The availability check tells you if and how the title is available to you.
  • More title information: displays the complete set of title categories.
  • Reviews: displays reviews if available.

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Requests / Reservations

You may reserve items on loan or order items from closed stacks directly in the results list of "catalogues". A link is shown beneath the title record that may be named "on loan until: 13.05.2015 (total of reservations: 0)" or "for order". Click that link and log in if you haven't already done so. Please confirm your order at the end.

It is also possible to order or reserve items on their full record page. At first you click on the appropriate title of the results list "Catalogues" and the full record will display. Then you click on the tab "Get it" and "Select". Please confirm your action.

If you order an item the catalogue indicates when the item will be ready for collection.

You check and manage your orders and reservations in "My library account / account summary".

For more information on media with status "for order" or "on loan" please visit our homepage.

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